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When Badaso has been successfully installed, you will find the configuration files in config/badaso.php and .env. In this file you will find many options for changing the configuration of your Badaso installation.

Back Up#

The backup settings can be changed in the .env file.


  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Fill in to use the backup feature to AWS S3.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Fill in to use the backup feature to AWS S3.
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: S3 bucket region for uploading backup files.
  • AWS_BUCKET: S3 bucket name to upload the backup file.
  • AWS_URL: AWS S3 bucket URL.

Google Drive#

  • GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID: Fill in to use the backup feature to Google Drive.
  • GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET: Fill in to use the backup feature to Google Drive.
  • GOOGLE_DRIVE_REFRESH_TOKEN: Fill in to use the backup feature to Google Drive.
  • GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID: Folder id to upload backup files into the specified folder.

Add the storage disk configuration to config/filesystem.php :

return [
    // ...        'disks' => [                // ...                'drive' => [            'driver' => 'google',            'clientId' => env('GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID'),            'clientSecret' => env('GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET'),            'refreshToken' => env('GOOGLE_DRIVE_REFRESH_TOKEN'),            'folderId' => env('GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID'),        ],                // ...            ],        // ...];


  • GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID: Fill in to use the backup feature to Dropbox.

Add the storage disk configuration to config/filesystem.php:

return [
    // ...        'disks' => [                // ...                'dropbox' => [            'driver' => 'dropbox',            'authorization_token' => env('DROPBOX_AUTH_TOKEN'),        ],                // ...            ],        // ...];
  • BACKUP_TARGET: Fill to select target backup. Example: all, database, or files.
  • BACKUP_DISK: Fill to select disk backup. Example: s3, drive, dropbox.

Hidden Tables#

The hidden table is useful for hiding the users table on the CRUD Generator page. Hidden tables can be set in badaso configuration file which is config\badaso-hidden-tables.php.

return [    // add the table here];

Watch Tables#

Watch tables allow you to create automatic CRUD_DATA seeders on tables. Watch tables can be set in badaso configuration file which is config\badaso-watch-tables.php.

return [    // add the table here];


Maintenance with .env#

Maintenance mode makes it easy for administrators to fix, change, and add new features.

  • If MIX_BADASO_MAINTENANCE key doesn't exist, you can change maintenance setting in configuration menu.

key maintenance doesn't exist

  • But if MIX_BADASO_MAINTENANCE key exist, you can't change in configuration menu and maintenance setting should readonly and you just can change in .env.

key maintenance false

key maintenance true

Secret-login page#

if you are in maintenance mode, you can use secret-login page for login to dashboard (special for administrator)

  • badaso-secret-login is default value for prefix secret-login page. you can change as needed.


Whitelist is a list for maintenance mode exception. you can change whitelist in config/badaso.php.

'whitelist' => [        'web' => [],        'badaso' => [            '/maintenance',            '/login,        ],        ...    ],