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Menu Builder

The following is a menu list view.

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The following display is the display of the menu builder, on this page the user can adjust the layout and menu order.

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Add Menu#

In the following display, there are several fields that must be filled in when creating a menu.

  • Title: The text that will appear on the menu.
  • URL: The URL page that will be accessed when the menu is clicked.
  • Target: Type of URL access method, The URL open in current tab or open in new tab.
  • Icon: The icon that will appear on the menu. For a list of icons can be browse on the Material Icon page.
  • Color Picker: The color that will appear on the background menu.

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Edit Menu#

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Menu Permission#

Each menu can be assigned one or more permissions. If the logged-in user has one of these permissions, the menu will appear in the sidebar. If this menu isn't paired with permissions, it will always appear.

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