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Custom Widget

Badaso supports creating and displaying widgets on the dashboard page. Badaso also provides default widget (user, role and permission widget). Here's what the widget looks like.

Docusaurus logo

Add Widget#

  • Create a php file in the app\Widgets folder (if the folder does not exist, then create a folder first). Then fill in the file with the following template.
📦Your Project┣ 📂app┃ ┣ 📂Widgets /** register your widget here **/┃ ┃ ┗ 📜ExampleWidget.php
namespace App\Widgets;
use Uasoft\Badaso\Interfaces\WidgetInterface;
class ExampleWidget implements WidgetInterface{    /**     * Set permission for widget     * set null to allow all role     * multiple permission allowed, separate by comma.     */    public function getPermissions()    {        return 'browse_permissions';    }
    public function run($params = null)    {        return [            'label' => 'Label', /** Fill in the label as desired **/            'value' => 0,       /** Fill in the value as desired **/            'icon' => 'lock', /** Fill in the icon as desired from material icon **/            'max' => 70, /** Fill in the value as desired (default value is 100) **/        ];    }}
  • Then add the file or class you just created to the configuration file config\badaso.php.
return [    ...    'widgets' => [        'Uasoft\\Badaso\\Widgets\\UserWidget',        'Uasoft\\Badaso\\Widgets\\RoleWidget',        'Uasoft\\Badaso\\Widgets\\PermissionWidget',        'App\\Widgets\\ExampleWidget', /** Register the widget here **/    ],];